Scouting for Boys - Riddle

Educational objectives: Develop social connections through the use of dance as a group
Personal growth areas: - Social Development
Brief summary of activity: With at least 2 or 3 participants in their patrol, follow the correct steps in the Messengers of Peace dance, add it as a single video, and upload

- Internet Connection  
- Mobile phone/ Tab/ Lap top/ Computer 
- Speaker/ Hands-Free/ Headset 
- Notebook 
- Pen and Pencil 


- Actionbound App
- Youtube App
- Chrome or web browser 
- VN Video Editor (Video Editor for Android Phones)
- iMovie (Video Editor for iPhones)
Preparation: Download and Install following programs; - Actionbound App - Video editing App - Youtube App
Duration: 60 Minutes
Setting: Safely at Home with good internet connection
Step by step guide to activity:
1. Watch sample video -


2.Contact 2 or 3 scouts of you patrol or troop

3. Plan your dance as parts, Video recording and Merging

4. Practice Steps 

5. Record your part 

6. Merge videos togather

7. Upload your video to youtube 

8. Submit your video via actionbound app

Additional reading: